Saturday 23 May 2009


So, I tried to make banana pancakes for brunch today...

It didn't work to say the least! The pancake mix was intended for 6 pancakes, and as I only wanted one or two, I thought I could just divide the mix/quanties of ingredients accordingly. I was wrong. Instead of a pancake, what turned out was a close resemblance to a colourless snot, with the consistency of the glue they use to stick cds to magazines... nice. Smelt like pancakes though.

So I was forced to dispose of the concoction (which I dont like doing) and made myself a couple of peanut butter and banana toasties (I'd already chopped the bananas in anticipation of the pancakes). They weren't too bad, felt quite American eating them, but they definately were an anticlimax compared to my original intentions.

Back to the drawing board then...

Epic Fail

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Just a quick one before I head off to the Great Escape Festival in Brighton (the two bands I want to see are playing at the same time! typical! and I'm awful when faced with a choice!). Again, this is just a file I had lying around on my pc, nothing special, but it's something at least! It's still unfinished (I think) and I probally intended it to be lyrics but it probally works better as just poetry, or maybe not... Until Sunday then

Cocaine Ali

Monday morning
Washed out dreams
Sky is falling
Tell me what you’ve seen

Broken spirits
Dropped from on high
As your hopes and fears
Drift on by

Shattered memories
Crooked smiles
You’ll be fine
Wait a while

Take my body
Take my soul
Forget all I’ve ever known
Blinded eyes help me see
She’s where I always want to be

Cocaine Ali
You cant save me now

Dead end streets
Night kills day
Futures wasted
I can’t stay away

Sweet embrace
Oh it keeps me warm
Choking blanket
Senses torn

Monday 11 May 2009

A Very Modest Proposal

I was trawling through old pc files earlier and came upon a piece I'd written in Secondary School as a response to reading A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. I though I'd post it here. As it was written in about year 11/12 it is very naive and not quite as well written as I maybe could do now, but still, I was young! I know it doesn't have anything to do with photography, but it's a start for all this creative blogging malarky. Ease myself in gently so to speak.

So yeh, here it is in all of its adolescent 'glory'.

Upon reading the proposal set forth by Mr Swift as to how overcrowding and famine in Ireland could be dealt with in an effective and prompt manner; and having witnessed the remarkable success and prosperity the nation received as a consequence of the implication of Mr Swift’s proposal, I have decided it is high time that a similar solution to the problem of overcrowding and debauchery present in modern day schools was put forward to try and counteract the effects these problems are inflicting upon our fine country and heritage.
To effectively eradicate the presence of sardine-can classrooms filled with sardine-brained children we must, like with any cancerous growth, remove the infected cells, swiftly and without hesitation, for to hesitate would be to allow the disease to spread and consume.
After reading local newspapers and various articles on the modern world it struck me that I could, in fact, kill two birds with one stone. With oil prices rising and supplies of coal and gas rapidly depleting it came to my attention that something must be done to rectify this predicament, it is with the solution to the problems faced in schools that the solution to fossil fuel supplies walks hand in hand. We can eliminate poor schools and unruly pupils, and in the same breath we can ensure the survival of our electricity-driven society.
I propose that to do this we establish a series of L.I.F.E. (Literacy, Intelligence and Faculty Exam) tests in all primary and secondary schools to ensure that children are maintaining a high standard of intellect throughout the school system. L.I.F.E tests will consist of several sections, each section testing a different aspect of a child’s intellect: there will be a section testing a child’s knowledge and understanding of the English language, one on mathematics and science, and several others testing valuable subjects of knowledge, including: history, politics, economics, geography, art history and engineering. Sports and religious studies will not be included in the L.I.F.E test, nor will they form a part of the school curriculum as it is single-handedly the result of these two subjects that violence exists within the modern society. Sports create rivalries between fellow countrymen which leads to much rioting and outbursts of violence, and religious practice gives rise to bloody warfare in the assumption that their deity will bestow upon the warmongers a righteous reward befitting the amount of blood shed. It must be noted that music will not be tested upon in the L.I.F.E examinations, however the study of this subject must be diligently enforced within schools, in particular the study of the denomination of Rock and Roll. This is due to the origin of this form of musical expression. Rock and Roll descended from the black slaves of Africa, and so represents their plight for freedom from their oppressors; therefore we should nurture this urge for freedom in our society today: our freedom will be gained only when we have broken free from the shackles of asininity and stepped forth into the new age of knowledge.
Those pupils that fall below the pre-set average will be deemed to be of an intolerably low aptitude and will therefore be removed from the school system to be further processed. The processing will occur in many Humanoid Energy Liberation Ltd complexes situated throughout the country where the inadequate students will be used as a substitute to fossil fuels in the furnaces of the H.E.L.L. Corporation where their academically inept bodies and minds will be used to drive the country forwards into a greater, more intellectually advanced future.
These H.E.L.L plants will be operated and maintained by members of the D.A.N.T.E (Denomination Against Non-Transcending Educates) circle and will be dispersed throughout seven H.E.L.L plants situated around the country. There will be a H.E.L.L processing plant in London, Glasgow, Cardiff, Dublin, Manchester, Newcastle and Southampton to ensure that there is a spread of plants scattered about the country so that no area will go without suitable processing; for we do not want there to be isolated pockets of mental insipidity, as this will lead to outbursts of triviality that will fair to further impact upon the country’s interests.

So there it is. My representation of the solution to the problem of unruly children in the classroom. It may not be the most elaborate or expensive scheme, but it is well thought out, rationalised and unique. It not only encompasses one problem, but also considers one that we have been facing for many years, and one that, if we did not act now, would potentially destroy the race of man in its entirety.

Saturday 9 May 2009

The Long and Short of It


As this is my first ever blog post I just wanted to explain a bit about why/what I'm using it for etc! I've never been much for blogging and the such, but thought it might be a good opportunity to vent/muse/and share my current goings on and the like. As I'm a keen photographer, dabble in a bit of the ole guitar, and generally like to read and sometimes scribble a few things down it seemed like a good idea to have a place other than my head to put them!

So yeh, basically I'll update as often as I can, as and when I have something to post, but no promises! Apollogies it was a short one to start, but hopefully next time it'll be longer, and more interesting!

Until then...