Saturday 23 May 2009


So, I tried to make banana pancakes for brunch today...

It didn't work to say the least! The pancake mix was intended for 6 pancakes, and as I only wanted one or two, I thought I could just divide the mix/quanties of ingredients accordingly. I was wrong. Instead of a pancake, what turned out was a close resemblance to a colourless snot, with the consistency of the glue they use to stick cds to magazines... nice. Smelt like pancakes though.

So I was forced to dispose of the concoction (which I dont like doing) and made myself a couple of peanut butter and banana toasties (I'd already chopped the bananas in anticipation of the pancakes). They weren't too bad, felt quite American eating them, but they definately were an anticlimax compared to my original intentions.

Back to the drawing board then...

Epic Fail


  1. Banana pancakes sound aaaamazing. Don't give up! Haha

  2. haha yeh, but i definately need some sort of instructions as to how to make them!! :P
